Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ready to Sell Your Home...Now What?

So you have decided to SELL your home, so how do you get your home ready to sell?
FIRST thing is you need to take off your ROSE Colored GLASSES!

Free Smiling In Pink Heart Sunglasses Creative Commons

 & take a long hard look at your home through the new BUYERS eyes.

Is your house clean, appealing, and well maintained?  Or does your home look like this?

Cleaning out the closet

54 - Spring Cleaning 

Cluttered, Dingy and Dirty?  

What are some things that are really inexpensive that will make this home Just POP! to a new buyer that OTHER homes might not?

What you need to REMEMBER is "first impressions are LASTING impressions."

House for sale

This couldn't be truer when it comes to selling real estate.  

Now, don't go out and spend a ton of money doing any major overhauls or big renovations, because frankly in this economy, you are just throwing that money right out the window!

   So what can you do to get that first and lasting impression?

Each day this week we are going to talk about 6 DIY weekend projects that will spruce up the outside of your home

Isn't this where the BUYER first gets its FIRST impressions from?

If the outside of your home doesn't impress them..
more than likely they will not even want to open your

front door!
Front door